Famous Wolf
JQ Modern, 120 Vyse St,
Hockley, Birmingham
B18 6NF

Categories: News

Famous Wolf leads educational workshops at South + City College Birmingham

Written by: Rudy Heywood
June 11, 2024

Famous Wolf Founder and MD Rudy Heywood has been working with the young people at South and City College Birmingham to provide social media instruction to students and education providers.

Sharing his 11 years of experience working in the digital marketing sector, Rudy has been working with the students at South & City College to help them navigate the world of social media, and develop the skills they will need when they go forward into a career of their own.

“It’s really fulfilling to work with the students, and it’s great to see how responsive and engaged they are in the classes.”
– Rudy Heywood

The students have been brainstorming ideas for their own small businesses, learning how to create basic graphics, build a brand and strategise how they would take it to market using social media as their main vehicle.

Rudy also works with teachers and staff to help support their educational programme, so that teachers are equipped with the knowledge that can then be imparted as part of their lesson plans.

South and City College Birmingham is a vocational college offering students part-time, full-time and apprenticeship courses as well as a range of qualifications from A-levels to university-level certifications.

The world of social media is an ever-evolving environment, and Rudy applies his 11 years of experience accrued throughout his successful career as a social media manager, digital marketing consultant and business owner to inspire and educate the students he teaches.

If you would like to learn more about Rudy’s consultancy services, E-learning courses and workshops carried out to offer small businesses, don’t hesitate to get in touch today!

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